Thirty-Two Weeks

By Heathernichole

How far along? Thirty-two weeks and six days. 

Baby's size? Baby is the size of a Florida pomelo, which I looked up. It's very similar to a grapefruit.   

Baby's nickname? Baby girl and her daddy and I call her by her name. I promise a post with her name and the story behind it is coming soon!

Maternity clothes? Yes, mostly wearing all maternity clothes. A few pre-pregnancy tops still fit but not many.Exercise? Well, we cleaned the garage on Sunday and I considered that a workout. Same with any other chores around the house. I found this online and it's SO true! Sleep: Sleep was decent this week. My poor husband, on the other hand, hasn't been sleeping because I've been snoring. I try to stay on my side because I snore less while I'm on my side but I end up laying on my back and he gently wakes me up and says, "Babe, you're snoring." We're almost there! Only a few more weeks. 

Best moment this week: Hanging out at my parents house, celebrating my dad's birthday. Twice. Saturday night and this morning for his actual birthday. Can't wait until the baby is able to enjoy those moments with me. 
Miss anything? Now that Summer is coming and I'm getting closer and closer to my due date, I'm missing a good drink more and more. I had a virgin margarita on Saturday night but it's just not the same. I miss a good glass of wine and a good shot of tequila. 

Movement: All kinds of movement. I can already tell she's going to be a bit stubborn though. I'll feel her moving and I'll tell my husband so he'll put his hand on my stomach and she'll instantly stop. Or she'll start to move and I'll pull my camera out and then she'll stop. BUT if I just sit there and not do anything, she'll continue to move all over the place. 

Food Cravings: Carne asada tacos from my favorite place in town sounded really good so we went there on Saturday. But that's pretty much it. Besides the usual bagels and carbs. Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. 

Gender: GIRL! 

Symptoms: Rib pain still. I haven't gone to the chiropractor because I've been wanting to save the sessions I have left for closer to my due date. My insurance covers twenty sessions and I've already used about ten of them. Acne but again, not nearly as bad as it used to be. And I've been extremely tired! Like I need a nap by 8am tired. I get eight hours of sleep each night, if not more. I wake up at 7, get the dogs breakfast, eat my breakfast and by 8 I'm ready to go back to bed but I start working at 8. I am going to take advantage of the time I have before the baby comes when I'm on maternity leave and I'm going to nap all the time. 

Wedding rings on or off? Wedding ring is always on. I only wear my engagement ring for special occasions now. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Looking forward to: Maternity leave! Three more weeks of working. I love my bosses and I love being able to work from home. But lately I'm just so tired that I can't help but need time off. I guess that's what maternity leave is for, right? 

Vader is ready to meet his baby sister. A fellow Boxer owner told me the other day that her boxer took over as her baby's babysitter and protector as soon as they brought her home. I can't wait to see our boys do that.

One of the many times baby girl's daddy tried to feel her moving. I think he felt a few kicks and flips this night.

Doesn't take much to get me to run to Starbucks, especially lately! This momma is sleepy!