Thirty-Five Weeks

By Heathernichole

How far along? Thirty-five weeks and six days. 

Baby's size? Baby is the size of a bunch of carrots this week. 

Baby's nickname? We call her baby, baby girl and Acacia. 

Maternity clothes? Yes, mostly wearing all maternity clothes. A few pre-pregnancy tops still fit but not many.Exercise? Same as the last several weeks, walking and chores around the house. It is rather difficult to vacuum at this point in my pregnancy. It's definitely a workout! 
Sleep: Still not sleeping well but I think I'm getting use to it. 

Best moment this week: Spending Easter with my husband's family. We had a very nice time. 
Miss anything? As I get closer and closer to my due date, I miss a good margarita more and more. My mom had one on Easter and she sent me a photo. Said she was drinking it for me. I'm glad someone is able to enjoy a drink! Like I always say though, the sacrifice will definitely be worth it. 

Movement: Acacia moves a lot. Especially when I sit still. 

Food Cravings: Anything sweet. Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. 

Gender: GIRL! 

Symptoms: Acne, a little bit of rib pain, the occasional headache and acid reflux. 
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding ring is always on. I only wear my engagement ring for special occasions now. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Looking forward to: This was my last week of work. Maternity leave starts tomorrow and I am so excited!!! To-do list here I come! 

Our boys all dressed up for Easter. They were so good with the kids, as always.

My husband with our nephew on Easter. He's going to be such a great daddy!