Things I Still Find Funny Even Thought They’re Totally Played

By Generatorland @generatorland


Let’s just get this one out of the way. Farts are funny. Not too long ago, I sat around the dinner table with my entire family and we all played various fart machine apps on our phones. Most of laughed hard enough to evoke the real thing several times. I don’t know why farts are so funny, they just are.

“Shut the front door!”

I know it’s lame and I’ve heard this a thousand times now and I still smile when it’s used correctly. You tell someone something shocking and as they begin to reply, in the back of your mind your expecting to hear the F-bomb, but it never comes. Instead it’s replaced with something your mom probably said a hundred times with equal passion.

The commercial where the guy pretends he’s not looking at his phone while on a date.

I think this is just some great editing. In addition, the actor uses just the right combination of earnestness and guilt.

Cats falling off things

Like most people I believe that cats think very highly of themselves and seeing them at their worst moments is just plain funny. While I don’t want to spend hours talking about how adorable your cat is or all the funny things he/she does, I do want to see video of cats falling into aquariums, off counter tops and, of course, off window sills. By the way, my understanding is that the cat in this particular video was OK.

Horrible puns

My wife calls them “Grandpa Jokes.” That’s fine.  I can’t always help what comes out of my mouth. For me I think puns take the fast train through my brain and circumvent any filters. This unfortunately means I might make the world’s lamest pun just as readily as the most clever. I’m in it for quantity over quality I guess. Besides, Alfred Hitchcock once said that “Puns are the highest form of literature.”