Things Fall Apart . . .

By Vickilane

The center cannot holdMere anarchy is loosed upon the world,And the dog is on the table.

Apologies to W.B. Yeats

Ian brought us some much-needed rain and cooler temperatures. We've had two days of this socked-in weather and are so happy to have been spared the bad effects of the storm.

 I lay in bed Sunday morning, warm under the covers, putting off getting up into the cooler-than-I really-like-it house, and reminded myself that throughout history, untold numbers of people have spendt much of their lives never being warm enough. And sleeping on dirt floors. So, I got up and dressed in layers.It was only a few days ago that we closed all the windows. And on Saturday night, we had the first fire of the season. Before long, I'll find myself making pumpkin bread.