Things Are Looking Up

By Vickilane

(Written last night)I'm feeling right mellow after the shrimp tostado and the chicken tacos Justin brought me for supper. They were from Taqueria Fast who can park a food truck on our corner anytime they like. Fresh, fresh, fresh tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, and avocado along with ceviche shrimp made my room smell wonderful.  My mouth is singing.

 Also I got a new roommate last night and she's not chatty. She plays the TV constantly but at a very low volume. And the sound of her COPD machine is actually kinda soothing. Plus I've learned the value of keeping the privacy curtain pulled.

I'm still not very mobile  but am getting better at using a sliding board to transfer from wheelchair to bed and back. Having Physical Therapy and that's good, even when it hurts.
And The Administrator decreed that I should have a new mattress and lo and behold, it was made so! I went back and updated the fairly nasty review I'd left on their site. They really are trying to address my gripes. But their food's going to have to take a quantum leap to be better than Taqueria Fast. And they need to understand that a dish of canned pears is NOT a Fresh Fruit Cup, as the menu described it.