They Live in a 24/7 World

By Gran13

Mental health should be a subject in secondary schools.

Too many students with symptoms of depression or anxiety are let down or ignored in the classroom. Poor mental health amongst young people is one of the last great taboos in the world today. There are far too many young people teetering on the brink of serious mental illness. It MUST be brought out into the open. There are young people who are harming themselves in order to try and cope, or worse still, others who think about ending their lives.

 How about focusing more on education, prevention and early intervention? Surely this could be more effective? We have to remember that the youth of today live in an online world, all day every day, where they never turn off; where cyber-bullying, consumerism and pornography and the pressure to have the perfect body, bombard them daily. They live in a world where any examination grade below a C means failure, leaving future employment prospects bleak.