These Kids Today

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Queer bigots are the most revolting bigots because theoretically they should know better, considering that LGBT people have been violently persecuted for centuries and that only ended in the US in this century, years after I started sex work (and still hasn’t ended in much of the world).  But anti-sex work queer people are a strange, ignorant bunch who seem to live in an echo chamber where same-sex attraction was always acceptable to the establishment, and queer folk are exactly like straights except for whom they “love”.  They seem to have no idea that most sex workers are LGBT; that they owe their rights to an anti-cop riot started by sex workers; and that only a few years ago queer people were targeted by the same kind of persecution and propaganda campaigns as sex workers and our clients are now, right down to state-imposed “conversion therapy” (called “diversion” for women and “john school” for men).  And let’s not even talk about the lesbians who hate transwomen.  There is something deeply wrong, twisted and pathetic in sexual minorities who eagerly call for the persecution, rape and destruction of other sexual minorities, but in the young ones at least I believe this sick attitude thrives largely because they simply don’t know their own history and therefore feel perfectly at home sucking up to cops and other “authorities” who were beating, robbing, caging and humilating (if not murdering) their elders within their own poorly-remembered young lifetimes.  Last week I was forced to mute a number of belligerent young butch dykes (mostly from Tasmania of all places) who seem to think it’s perfectly OK for cops to hunt sex workers’ clients;  they were all shockingly ignorant of the history of LGBT activism, but one of them actually seemed to believe that the chief civil rights struggle faced by gay men in my lifetime was…are you ready?…that they “weren’t allowed to marry”.  I am not making this up.  Persecution by cops?  Losing jobs?  The AIDS epidemic?  Nope.  Just that they couldn’t get a government fucking license and force bigots to participate in their disgustingly-extravagant displays of conspicuous consumption.  Look, I know the young tend to be ignorant and the old tend to be inflexible, but Suffering Sappho, I don’t think I was that ignorant anytime this side of puberty.  And if you think there’s something wrong with my not wishing to see any peaceful humans attacked by steroidal thugs, especially for their consensual sexual arrangements, then get the fuck off of my lawn.