There's Still Time

By Vickilane

There's still time to sign up for an amazing writing workshop experience next month (Oct. 10 - 25) here in the mountains of North Carolina!!
Vicki’s workshop — Jump Start Your Novel — is ideal for writers starting or under way with their first book length project.  The workshop follows a proven approach for Vicki and her students of all ages. JUMP START YOUR NOVEL – The Nuts and Bolts Approach Whether you have a novel in progress, an idea for a novel, or just the idea that you’d like to write a novel, this is the workshop for you. It was a workshop like this that started Vicki’s writing career (six novels published and counting) and a workshop like this that has resulted in completed novels from a number of her students. During morning meetings, Vicki will offer guidance in the basics of setting, plot, characterization, and dialog with practical and cautionary information about seeking an agent, submitting a manuscript, and building a career.  There will be some brief in-class writing prompts and there will be short (1-2 pages) assignments (which may incorporate the writer’s work in progress) written outside of class time. These assignments will be discussed during the next day’s workshop.   Afternoon and evenings will be free for writing, rest, reflection, or relaxation.  Vicki will be available most afternoons for one on one conferences. 
I blogged about it back in August HERE . . .
And you can get complete details at THIS LINK