The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Gifts for Tetris Fans

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Tetris Inspired Products

If it wasn’t for Alexey Pajitnov my childhood might have been very different indeed, because he is the creator of Tetris! The problem was that I was never very good at it, all my friends were, and their friends! But not me, I was always more of a Mario fan. But when it comes to seeing Tetris inspired products I always go glassy eyed and full of nostalgia! So with that in mind I bring you…

The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Gifts for Tetris Fans


Tetris Themed Plant Pots

10 – Plant Pots (£112)

While that price might well sound like a lot for 5 plant pots, these ones designed by Stephanie Choplin are hand-moulded and very cool indeed, go on and buy them! Your plants will appreciate it I promise.

Tetris Themed Ice-Cube Tray

9 – Ice Cube Tray (£4.99)

The basic goal of Tetris was to stay as cool as you can under the preasure of the game, and so it does seem rather fitting to makes these ice-cube trays in the shape of Tetris blocks. And best of all is that if they don’t fit in the glass you can bit them down to size.

Tetris Themed soaps

8 - Soap (£5.16)

Want a gift idea for someone who is a bit of a nerd? Then this one would be perfect! These Tetris soaps not only look great, but they are also animal cruelty free and vegan friendly! And for that price they really are a great stocking filler.

Tetris Themed Lights

7 – Lights (£21.95)

Desk-side lamps don’t get much cooler than these. Once the blue Tetrimino is plugged in and turned on, the others only need to be touching the each other, meaning that it has endless combinations and styles.

Tetris Themed Post-it Notes

6 – Post-it Notes (£7.50)

If you can’t get away with playing Tetris in the office like I do, then why not get these Tetris post-it notes then at least you could pretend to play it! And at worst it will only help you jot down all the things you need to remember.

Tetris Themed Bookcase

5 – Bookcase (DIY)

There is many bookcases that have a Tetris theme, but I think this is the best one, it looks cleaner, clearer and just generally better than the rest. Best of all is that it is a DIY build, so we could in fact all have a go at making one.

Tetris Themed Puzzle

4 – Puzzle (£6.99)

If you thought the game was hard, you need to see this, because while it may only have 100 pieces there is millions combinations to lay the middle out, but only one that fits!

Tetris Themed Jewellery

3 - Jewellery (£37 upwards)

From rings, to earrings, and necklaces, these unisex pieces of jewellery would have fitted nicely with my post “Top 10 Amazing Unisex Necklace Pendants” but they are so more than welcome here. It has to be said that some of them look stunning!

Tetris Themed Desk Set

2 –  Desk Set (£18.07)

this amazing office set includes a double highlighter pen, pencil sharpener, pencil holder, eraser, memo pad, tape dispenser, stapler and desk organiser, plus loads of other Teris themed stuff inside of those things! Not just cool, but verging on being EPIC.

Tetris Themed Cookie Cutters

1 - Cookie Cutters (£6.95)

Just look at them! It doesn’t get much better than cookies that are shaped like Tetris blocks, for me the moment I saw them, I know it would have to be my number 1 and so it is. And the possibilities are endless, you could also use them to cut anything into shape!
