The World’s Top 10 Best Inventionland Themed Offices

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

The World’s Top 10 Best Invention Land Themed Offices

While working in an office might not be much fun, I am just happy to even have a job in today’s economy. But if I could work anywhere it would have to be Davison Design & Development in Pennsylvania, USA , why you may ask? Because their offices are themed to encourage design and invention flair within their workers. There is a total of 16 themed offices, but I want to bring you what I think is the best top 10 of them. This isn’t a theme park, this is Invention Land and this is where they work….

The World’s Top 10 Best Invention Land Themed Offices


Water cave Themed Office in Inventionland

10 – Water Cave

I’m not sure if working in a water cave office would inspire me to create wonderful things, or make me want to go to the toilet every 5 mins. It will probably be the latter.

Crafts Themed Office in Inventionland

9 – Crafts

Nothing gets the mind going than doing a spot of arts and crafts, so why not combine work and crafts with an office that is themed just like it, including button doors and a pillow roof!

Castle Themed Office in Inventionland

8 – Castle

While I have no idea what sorts of things a castle themed office would help you to invent, I would love to work here, work inside a castle? As I kid I dreamed about things like that!

Sweet House Themed Office in Inventionland

7 – Sweet House

What better office to work in when you have been told to come up with new ideas for candy & treats than this super cool sweet house office!Do Hansel and Gretel work here?

Dolls House Themed Office in Inventionland

6 – Dolls House

This amazing dolls themed offices are sure to get anyone’s creativity flowing, but maybe not mine, but I would love to work here just to say that I work inside a giant dolls house!

Robot Themed Office in Inventionland

5 – Giant Robot

If there is a better place to work other than inside a giant robot I have not heard of it! This theme would certainly get my creative juices flowing and invent all sorts of robots!

Shoe Themed Office in Inventionland

4 – Shoe

When trying to invent to footwear what better office to work in than this amazing shoe shaped one. This amazing nursery rhyme inspired workplace would definitely inspire me!

Tree House Themed Office in Inventionland

3 – Tree House

Nothing gets the brain firing quicker than happy childhood memories, and I don’t know about anyone else but I always dreamed of having my own tree house. Sadly the house that I grew up in had no trees, but it would have been cool if it did!

Pirate Ship Themed Office in Inventionland

2 – Pirate Ship

For someone who can’t swim, I have strong sea legs which is quite strange. Putting that aside, I think this theme would inspire me and beyond, even just by looking at the pictures, I can feel the wind in my hair and the brain moving faster.

Racetrack Themed Office in Inventionland

1 –  Racetrack

This is me. Fast paced, quick off the mark and always first to the finish line. Well I would be if I worked in this racetrack themed office, with what looks like a full Scalextrics track!
