The Wise Fisherman

By Gran13


On a lighter note … a few words about a wise fisherman.

A businessman from New Jersey was standing on the pier of a small Greek island watching a fisherman come into the dock in his small, non-descript boat which was filled with fish of all sizes. “How long did it take you to catch them?” “Not too long,” replied the fisherman”. “So, why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more?” “I have sufficient fish to sell in order to support my family’s needs,” he replied. “What do you do with the rest of your time then? “I have a full and busy life, you see.” “I sleep late, play with my young ones, fish a little, take a siesta with my wife, stroll into the village every evening, sip wine and play my guitar.” “Have you ever thought of expanding your business?” “What do you have in mind, sir?” “Fish more, buy a larger boat and in time, you can have a fleet and sell directly to the consumer, In time, you can open your own factory. Of course you will have to leave this small fishing village and move to the large city.” “How long do you think all this will take?” the fisherman wanted to know. “Oh, fifteen to twenty years.” “And what then?” “You can go public and become rich.” “And then?” the fisherman asked. By this time the businessman was quite carried away and replied: “You can move to a coastal town, sleep late, fish a bit, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village of an evening, sip wine, and play your guitar.”