The Wine Diet Weight Loss Just Got a Lot More Fun

By A Beauty Feature @abeautyfeature

Finally, a diet we can stick to. Say goodbye to deprivation diets and say hello to happiness. Today’s publication of The Wine Diet: How I lost 50 pounds while drinking two glasses of wine every night by Jared Grant, available in Kindle and paperback formats. Is making every dieter’s dream come true: It is possible to enjoy wine, sweets, and other previously forbidden foods and not just lose significant amounts of weight, but actually keep it off.

The secret, of course, is that there is really no secret, other than avoiding the mistakes dieters typically make and focusing on building healthy new habits. Refreshingly, Grant, a commercial real estate broker with a wife, a young child, and two more on the way, does not bill himself as a weight-loss expert. Instead, he’s just a regular guy like the rest of us. His life is busy, his job is stressful, and he doesn’t have hours to devote to working out and preparing elaborate meals. In fact, Grant didn’t even set out to write a weight-loss book. A battle-scarred veteran of countless diet plans that ultimately left him with skyrocketing weight and looming health problems. Grant just wanted to get off the diet train once and for all.

The Wine Diet weight loss just got a lot more fun

That meant looking at everything else out there and analyzing why it hadn’t worked for him. Then figuring out what he could stick to long-term. Grant boiled it down to seven common dieting mistakes he had made over and over.

Armed with the knowledge of what not to do, Grant came up with a series of new, healthier habits to implement gradually (this is where the wine comes in), along with a framework for success. It worked like a charm: He lost 50 pounds without giving up his beloved Cabernet Sauvignon or desserts. He has kept it off by essentially training his mind and body to be thin again.

“Most weight loss diets follow similar patterns: Do this for the next ten days and lose so many pounds, or eat this for the next two weeks and lose so many pounds,” Grant explained. “The problem with this approach is that these diets have an end date. Which means they don’t help you stay thin. Once you complete the diet, you return to the way you were eating previously and eventually end up back in your fat pants.”

The Wine Diet weight loss just got a lot more fun

In contrast, The Wine Diet gives readers the tools to cut calories without sacrificing their social lives. Their dessert, their favorite beverages, or their dignity. The book shows exactly how to lose weight while living a real life. Simply by making small changes to habits.

And if wine isn’t your thing, take heart. The Wine Diet works equally well with beer, cocktails, game-day nachos, or home-baked brownies.