The Versatile Blogger Award

By Shubha Juyal @shubhajuyal

"The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you from your blogger peers, for writing quality posts that have somehow touched them, having good quality photographs, and the uniqueness of the subjects covered. The award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special to your life."
I thank the lovely Charlotte writer/editor of Makeup By Candlelight  for nominating me for this amazing award. She is awesome her posts are totally addictive, I hve been hooked on to her blog since day 1!!

The rules of the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows:
  • Display the award certificate on your blog
  • Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award
  • Link your nominees in this post and let them know of their nomination with a comment
  • Post 7 interesting things about yourself

7 facts about me:
  1. I belong to India. NC25. Petite. Tiny (152 cm) . MBA. Married.26.
  2. I love collecting trinkets, perfumes (addicted) and vintage items.
  3. I hate hate hate lizards...yuckkkkk!!!
  4. A major movie buff also love watching good shows like Breaking Bad, Person of interest, Homeland etc
  5. Used to be (still am) a total nerd.
  6. I always scared before catching a flight, all panicky and nervous. But once I get on the aircraft, I somehow get totally normal..which is weird.
  7. I have worked for the Government when I was only 20, in a "top secret" facility, which now I think was pretty cool.

So that was fun!! The amazing 15 bloggers i am nominating are :
  1. Aimee Thomas  -  Little Lotus Blossom
  2. Courtney           - Cheap But Chic Beauty
  3. Elena Dal Maso - Happy Beauties
  4. Amelie               - All Things Glitter and Beauty
  5. Anastasia Evtushenko - Cranberry Champagne
  6. Alessandra Charlemagne  - The Pink Illusion
  7. Beth Price            - The Pastel Girl
  8. Hannah  -  Fashion Fix
  9. Sergio Alba - Magical Fashion
  10. Anastasia Kamelia - D4zzling Me
  11. Aditi  - Chicorita
  12. Hem Jadeja - Fashion Factive
  13. Laura Pla - Brunette Style
  14. Charlie - Lady of the Lane
  15. Brittany Williams - Polka and Dots

Thanks a lot once again to Charlotte. I will see you guys with a new pot tomorrow!!xoxo