I have been nominated for 'The Versatile Blogger Award' by Hafsah Check her blog out here! She has a lovely blog and I am chuffed that she has nominated me for this award. I have only been blogging for a short time and so glad people are liking the posts I have been uploading. I'll get on with the tag, but first a big thank you to Hafsah for nominating me!The rules:
- Display the Award certificate on your blog
- Tag the blogger who nominated you in your post
- Nominate deserving bloggers
- Let your nominees know you have nominated them
- Post 7 interesting things about yourself!
- I love animals, I have 5 rabbits and a budgie! Would love a wee pup!
- I am addicted to shopping, I literally use money like its going out of fashion (pardon the pun)! - ps that was terrible..
- I love my friend's, without them I wouldn't be where I am today.
- I cant keep the same nail polish on for more than a few days, chips or I change my color choice.
- I have OCD when writing whether its letters or in college, I cannot scribble or cross out and I cannot write on the back of pages. It totally freaks me out!
- I am one of the most anxious people you will ever meet, mostly due to low self confidence!
- I am a Brownie leader! Twice a week and I love it :)