The Versatile Blogger Award

By Thepolishwell @thepolishwell
Hi lovelies!
Because we're both busy with CNY visitings, we're unable to prepare our usual post for today. So, today's post will not be about polish. :( Instead, we'll share a little bit about ourselves in this post~
A while ago, we've been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Susan from The Subtle Shimmer. Thank you, Susan! <3
As part of this award, we're to list 7 things about ourselves.
Since, there are two of us, we've decided to list 7 things each:
7 things about Jayo:
  1. I am inexplicably, uncontrollably, head-over-heels in love with Jay Chou! <3
  2. On the first day of Chinese New Year, I watched 逆战 (The Viral Factor), starring Nicholas Tse and Jay Chou. Obviously it got 4.5 stars out of 5 in my books. EVERYBODY GO WATCH IT!!!
  3. I am a fan of Samsung phones - using my 7th now! =D
  4. I do a lot of my shopping on GMarketSG. So much so that everytime my friends see me carrying, wearing or using something new, they'd ask: 'Is that from GMarket?' >_<
  5. My motto for nail polishes: BBB - Bright, Bold and Bling!
  6. I have very high tolerance for nail polish chipping off. I don't feel the urge to remove it even if more than half on each nail has chipped off. Lol. Usually my friends will complain or ask before I get too bothered by it =X
  7. Some part of my hair has always been dyed since I was in secondary school =))
7 things about Mich:
  1. I'm still a student in uni - will be graduating this year! 
  2. I've been obsessed with nail polish since I was very young - I would use play-doh / plasticine and mold it onto my nails and pretend they're colored. 
  3. Although I like to paint my nails, I'm otherwise a t-shirts and shorts girl.
  4. Apart from nail polish, my other weakness is gadget - expensive interest, I know. 
  5. I like to get my hair done (whether cut, treatment, dye or otherwise) once every few months - it feels good when they fuss with my hair. 
  6. I also like listening to music - both Chinese and English songs. I'm not very particular about it so long as it sounds good. Having said that, I have a soft spot for Jay Chou's songs too.
  7. If my tech gadgets are any indication, I must be an Apple fan - I use an iPhone and a Macbook Pro. :)
Lastly, we're to pass this award to another 15 bloggers. But since it is quite a difficult task to pick 15 from among all the talented nail bloggers, we've decided not to tag anyone in particular but feel free to take up this tag if you're interested :)
xoxo,jayo & mich