The Versatile Blogger Award

By Mleonardo18

Thank you Emma of Emwills Eleven for nominating me!

Award rules:

1. Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.

2. Share 10 random facts about yourself.

3. Nominate 10 bloggers who are fairly new to blogging.

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Here are 10 random facts about me:

1. I get sleepy when I’m on the bus. I don’t know why, but it just feels relaxing for me. I sometimes even fall asleep.

2. When I was younger, my mom told me that she was supposed to add a third name to my name, so my name should’ve been Maria Fatima “Clara”. Good thing she didn’t because I don’t like it. My name is too holy already LOL

3. Many opportunities have passed because of my shyness, and thinking about it now, I regret it.

4. When I was younger and we were still in the Philippines, I would sneak out in the afternoon while my mom was sleeping, so I could ride my bike outside. I know for sure that I was below 10 years old at that time.

5. I love to eat green mangoes with shrimp paste (“bagoong”). Mhmm! Now I want some!

6. I’ve never had a nosebleed.

7. I sometimes tend to be a perfectionist, especially with my handwriting. I always want it to look nice, so my notes look neat.

8. I only eat certain kinds of vegetables, maybe around 10 kinds, and only when mixed with Filipino dishes. I don’t eat salads, like Caesar salad. I just don’t like the smell. Picky eater problems! xD

9. My favorite food is BBQ back ribs. I could seriously eat ribs everyday!

10. I always smile/laugh.

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I nominate:


❀ Broke and Beautiful 

Cosmetic Chaos 

The Glitter Mirror 

Sweet Dee



The Brunette Salad 

