The US Dietary Guidelines Expert Committee Said to Be “Completely Dissociated” From the Top Level Scientific Community

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

The harsh critique of the low-fat US dietary guidelines continues. Are they the result of an expert committee "completely dissociated from the top level scientific community"? That's what one of the world's top nutrition professors and researchers now say.

CardioBrief: Second Opinion on BMJ Dietary Guideline Takedown

Here are the quotes from Professor Arne Astrup:

...the committee seems to be completely dissociated from the top level scientific community, and unaware of the most updated evidence. There are now several new meta-analysis of both observational studies and also of randomized controlled trials clearly showing that there is no benefit of reducing saturated fat in the diet. All analyses and research can be criticized, but these meta-analyses have been published in leading scientific journals typically after critical reviews by three to five independent scientists (including a statistician), and by expert editors, so they cannot and should not be dismissed so easily."

Equally important, wrote Astrup, is "that the scientific studies that were the basis for the 'cut down on saturated fat' recommendations have been re-evaluated, and it is quite clear that today we would have concluded that there is no robust evidence to substantiate the advice."

"The same," he continued, "applies to the importance of carbohydrate amount and source. Reducing total carbs or selecting the low glycemic index carbohydrates are well documented tools to produce weight loss and treat type 2 diabetes, and there is quite good evidence for efficacy and safety."


It's quite clear there are big changes coming to the field of nutrition, and the old & moldy fear of fat is dying. Only question now is how long it's going to take. Will the stalwart defenders of this failed idea make it to their retirement, or not, before it's game over?


The British Medical Journal Slams Unscientific and Biased Low-Fat Dietary Guidelines!