The Unexpected Meltdown

By Joysautismblog @joysautismblog

Lincoln all of a sudden got a fear of wearing big boy undies, the potty, taking a bath, and being nakie. He wants a diaper only and that wasn’t a battle I was ready to fight right now with the big move and getting into our groove of homeschooling, so, diapers it is for right now.

I think we may be making a little progress though because Lincoln does not like to be wet or dirty anymore. As soon as he goes he rushes off to get the diaper and baby wipes. We used up the last diaper in one of our boxes and I generally always buy the same brand…I think it’s Parent’s Choice or something like that. So I bought the same brand and ripped on the box to change him.

Lo and behold, they changed the pattern on their diapers.

Lincoln was devastated. He cried and screamed and tried to get me to put his wet diaper with the familiar print back on him. I was so surprised! A meltdown this extreme because they changed the pattern on his diaper.

We just went on as though it wasn’t a big deal and told him he was fine and he’s been ok with it since but I was so surprised.