The Uncontrollable Urge To Use

By Finallygrowingup @mordechaikashuk

When someone is an addict, they will go near and far, high and low, and to pretty much any length to get their drug of choice.

There is nothing but the back seat and a pair of hand cuffs that can stop them.

Actually, I heard a story once, from whom I considered at the time a reliable source, that there was a man on PCP (making it,dealing it, in other words, a VERY bad man), who was wanted by the cops, etc, blah, blah, blah.

So finally the cops locate his whereabouts, surround his house, hand guns, shot guns, and machine guns drawn and at the ready. So after a couple of hours the guy comes out of his house, goes directly to his car (amidst the shouts and then threats of the police) opens the door and starts it.  So, needless to say the guy pulls a gun, and the cops open fire. But the guy is so hopped up on PCP, that he gets out of his car, walks back to his house (still under fire mind you) opens the door, closes it behind him and goes back to his “using table” carrying on where he left off.

You see he was making a beer run, but since PCP makes  you feel no pain, and almost superhuman, he felt almost nothing.

In any case around 30 minutes later the police entered his house, and found him face down in his PCP and blood everywhere.

As they were to find out later, via means of an autopsy, he also had 150 rounds of ammunition in him as well.

Still. He had gone to ANY length to get his drugs, huh?

I think so.

Obviously this is an extreme case.

Still the same chemical reactions that made this man (who just in case you were curious weighed roughly 400 lbs./181.43 Kg.) have to return to his drugs at all costs, are exactly the same that make any any other addict unable to stop, no matter the cost, using their drug.

Will scientists one-day create a pill that blocks all of the receptors in the brain that enable and encourage addiction?

Perhaps, as they are already making great strides in that arena, however, continuing use, with the hope, that very soon, there will be a magic pill, is not only inane, but also potentially deadly.

Listen, if you have never done a drug, DO NOT, trust me, save yourself 20/30/40 years of suffering and just find something else that interests you from the start, no matter WHAT everyone else is doing!

If you have, than it is never too late to get help, until it is too late.

When is too late?

Let’s see; a. your liver shuts down.

You get wet drain from alcoholism.

You are a nearly brain dead junkie in a gutter somewhere.

Ah yes, and then there is death, which would be just a bit too late.

There are programs EVERYWHERE, costly programs, inexpensive programs, free programs, AA, NA, CA.

The point is that if you want to quit than the help is available!

If you don’t, then there is really no point in having this conversation.


Because NO ONE can make an addict quit until they are ready to do so.

Good Luck to you!
