The Ultimate Guide For Beautiful, Healthy Skin

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
Glow just as much on the outside as you do on the inside with this ultimate guide for beautiful, healthy skin. This post is sponsored by Now Foods.

If you read this blog, you're probably into the whole healthy lifestyle thing. You want to eat right and love a good sweat session. All of that hard work you put in does wonders for the health of both your body and your mind, but what about your skin? You know, that stuff that glistens with sweat, telling you you've just worked your ass off? Doesn't that deserve a little healthy-living routine, as well?

It's taken me a while to nail down my skin-care routine, but after a lot of trial and error, I've found both the products and the system that work for me. Of course, when I find something awesome, I have to share it with you all, so I've listed out my skin care tips and favorite products in The Ultimate Guide For Beautiful, Healthy Skin.

1. Wash with a gentle cleanser twice a day

I wash my face two times a day with a gentle cleanser. Simple is one of my favorite brands. Since I like to workout in the morning, the first wash comes in my post-workout shower. Cold water helps cool my face down and just cleanses me from all the sweat. The second wash comes at the end of the day before bed, which leads me to tip #2:

2. Don't sleep with makeup on

It's good to go to bed with a fresh face. One, your makeup won't be sitting there dirtying up your pores all night, and two, you don't want to discolor your pillow case.

3. Use an under eye cream

I'm still fairly young in the grand scheme of life, but taking preventive measures toward wrinkles and aging skin is never a bad thing. The skin under the eyes is pretty thin and therefore more susceptible to the forces of nature and time that cause dark circles, bags and wrinkles. I use NOW's 2-in-1 Correcting Eye Cream to help tighten, brighten and prevent against damage in the long run. I put this on twice a day after each wash just under my eyes, the crows-feet area and my lids.

4. Apply an all-over face moisturizer

There are a number of factors that can cause our skin to dry out easily, but moisturized skin is healthy skin! I love the feel NOW's Wrinkle Rescue Moisturizer gives my face. It feels refreshing without feeling heavy. Plus, it has the added benefits of toning my skin and helping protect it from environmental factors (I'm look at you, Austin sun). I apply this after the eye cream twice a day.

5. Apply sunscreen daily

I don't care if it's 30 below and snowing in the middle of January. The sun is out there trying to damage your skin even if it seems like it's hiding behind clouds. Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Sun, but I just make sure to protect my skin from his rays. You really should apply sunscreen all over, but your face is particularly important. Ain't nobody want to look old and leathery. I apply a broad spectrum 30 SPF over my moisture and before applying make up every day, no matter what.

6. Use makeup with sunscreen built in

On that same note, add an extra bit of protection by wearing makeup that has SPF built in. My foundation has broad spectrum 15 SPF built in. I apply sunscreen underneath, as well because red hair and freckles.

7. Take a beauty supplement

I've tried a few different beauty supplements that have all worked well. Currently, I'm loving NOW's Hair, Skin & Nails Capsules, which are made with a form of Keratin that helps keep hair lustrous, nails strong, and helps skin retain its youthful moisture and elasticity, as well as battle signs of aging associated with free radicals.* I just take 3 once a day with a meal. I also like Beauty Bursts and Vital Proteins, both of which are collagen based.

After all is said and done, my skin feels soft and looks more radiant, even when I don't have make up on. I also haven't had a blemish in months (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself), so I think my routine is working.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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