The Truth About Skin

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

Having spent the last couple of months in a slight daze, having got a new job and packed up my little life in Winchester to move to the big city. I am quite happy to have spent the last two days, getting back in to the blogging routine, watching back to back OITNB, and the fact I haven’t moved off the sofa all day or felt the need to get dressed and put my face on, (Hands up for chilled Sundays).

As a result of the new job, I’ve found myself rekindle my love for skincare, (Not that I ever fell out of it), and today’s post is aiming to stamp out a few confusing details, I come across almost on a daily basis as a Skin Therapist. And that is, the difference between a skin type and a skin condition.

A skin type is something you are born with, it is decided through your genetics, and is something you can’t change but can control. As a Skin Therapist, I like to treat the skin type with the skincare basics, the cleansers and the toners. While the skin condition is determined by other influences such as lifestyle and the environment, and this can be corrected. For this, I like to use the added extras, as in serums, oils and masks. As our skin changes it can be very confusing.

For example, my skin type is combination, and at the moment it is more dry than oily, but is still very congested. And I have months where my skin is over oily, and all I do is break out. My current skin condition is dehydrated, and thats a result of moving to London, leading a busy lifestyle, in a more polluted area and not drinking enough water, (And probably too much tea).

To break it down, we have 4 skin types; dry, oily, combination, and normal, (And, I do envy those flawless complexions). While we can categorize our skin conditions into around 4 as well, dehydrated, sensitive, ageing, and acne prone. And these conditions can be corrected.

Most dehydrated skin can be caused by lifestyle, lack of water, too much caffeine, aircon and central heating. Sensitive skin is likely caused by hormonal changes, allergies, medication or the wrong products. It is hard to tell someone who thinks they have sensitive skin that it can be corrected, and I used to be one of those people. Until I linked the ‘bad’ products to an allergy. None of us can avoid natural aging (Although we can slow it down), but premature aging is a consequence of lifestyle, stress, too much sun exposure, smoking, and diet. And acne can be caused by internal and external factors, so hormonal imbalances, diet, and sabacious activity.

And this is why, your skin tends to lack radiance after a night out, or a hectic weekend. Your skin can feel like its changing and it all links together.

So what is your skin type?

Hope you have had a lovely weekend, and no Monday blues for tomorrow.

Lots of love,


Disclaimer: This post has been put together from my own knowledge of the industry and my experience working as a Beauty/Skin Therapist for 6 years.