The Ten Day You Challenge: Ten Secrets

By Bellavitaxo
I first spotted this on Kerys' blog quite a while ago now, and I've seen it pop up on other blog's recently, so thought I would finally give it a go.
Today is ten secrets! I don't think I have that many secrets to be honest, so it's more of a things you might not know about me kind of list. So here we go..
10. I'm not very trusting of people apart from the people closest to me. I don't really think this is a bad thing and it doesn't mean I don't talk to or not nice to people, I just don't let them into my life properly until I'm sure of them.
9. On the same kind of subject, I'm very much a forgive-but-never-forget kind of person, I just don't think it's healthy to hold grudges but the walls would definitely be up from then on!
8. Despite hating the sight of blood and needles, I love medical and health type programmes. Supersize vs Superskinny, 24 Hours in A&E, Embarrassing Bodies, Embarrassing Fat Bodies and Unsafe Sex in the City (my new personal favourite), yes they're grim but for some reason I can't stop watching?
7. I've dabbled with the idea of having a tattoo in the past, but the reality is that I'll be too much of a baby and I'll probably get bored of it after a while and want something else!
6. I hardly ever drink. I never drink in the house or in restaurants, only when I'm going on a night out in town.

5. Ghosts and supernatural things really fascinate me - not that I ever want to actually have an encounter though!

4. The only things I ever drink are water, smoothies, fruit juice and tea. If I do have the odd craving for something fizzy, I always go for Fanta. I very rarely have energy drinks, they're way too sweet for my liking.

3. I don't eat meat. I don't like the taste or texture of any of them. I like certain types of fish but that's it really. Saying that, I'm fussy with food in general!

2. I've never actually gotten this checked out but I do believe I must have broken one of my toes when I used to do ballet on pointe as it looks slightly bent and not normal! I'm sure it didn't always look like that!

1. I'm not doing so good at this recently because of a sensitive stomach but normally I'm a very healthy eater. I really try to eat good as I feel so much better for it.