The Sunshine Award

By Dorkchops @dorkchopsworld

Thank you Stephy and Free Spirit Babe for nominating me! As always, I’m really appreciative of the nominations I receive!

The rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate a few other bloggers
  4. Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated
  5. Notify the bloggers on their blog
  6. Put the award button on your blog


S t e p h y

1. What is your blog about?
My blog is mainly about beauty but also has the occasional fashion or lifestyle post! I also like to do tag posts but my blog is basically just for me to share all the different interests and hobbies in my life.

2. Why did you choose to start blogging?
I’ve always wanted a creative outlet where I’d be able to express my interest in makeup. YouTube was something I wanted to get into at first but I thought it was a bigger investment, especially since I didn’t want to just use my laptop camera to film so I thought a blog would be a great start!

3. What do you want to convey to your readers?
I just want my readers to be happy and enjoy all my posts. I am always honest in everything I post up and I want everyone to know that all the advice and reviews I share are here to truly help you!

4. If you could pick ANY place in the world to visit at least once, where would it be?
Japan has always been a place I’ve wanted to visit since forever. I know that I will definitely go there one day!

5. Do you have any advice/tips to other bloggers for achieving success?
Be patient, it takes time to get yourself out there but just never give up and keep going! Interacting with other bloggers and checking out their posts is really important if you want people to view your blog in return!

6. Places you have been that were memorable?
Going to Korea was really really memorable to me. It was the first time I traveled overseas without my family and I just had the most amazing time with my friends. It’s a trip I’ll never forget! (Also can’t forget all the amazing Korean makeup stores hehe).

7. Are you an over worker/achiever?
I would say that I am. I don’t think there’s any point in doing something at only 50% when you can give 100%. Even if things don’t turn out as well as I wanted, I at least feel satisfied knowing that I’ve given it my all and tried my best.

8. What is the one thing you would say needs changing in our current generation?
I think the current generation needs to appreciate the real world more. We’re so heavily involved with the internet, technology and social media that we forget how beautiful life is outside of that. I remember how when I was younger, just being outside and running around was the most enjoyable activity to do but nowadays we get caught up inside just being on our computers and phones. Even though that’s not a bad thing at all, we should still appreciate the beauty of the real world time to time!

9. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
I would probably go with white chocolate. I don’t really eat chocolate but if given the chance, I would choose something like a Milky Way bar over a regular Cadbury milk chocolate.

10. What’s your message to me?
First of all, thank you so much for nominating me! Your talent in baking is out of this world and I wish I could at least bake half as good as you do! I aspire to someday be able to cook at the same level (although that would be extremely difficult for me)! I really look forward to trying out the different kinds of recipes you post up when I get the chance to because I just know they will be exceptional! Please keep continuing to share your recipes. =)

F r e e  S p i r i t  B a b e

1. What has been the absolute highlight of your week?
This week has unfortunately not been extremely eventful because I have more assignments to do! =( But I would go with just completing an intense run on Monday!

2. Money isn’t an issue, where do you buy a plane ticket to and why?
Other than Japan (which I answered in Stephy’s questions), probably Italy! I would love to visit Venice. =)

3. What is one thing (can be anything!) you really want to learn how to do?
Oh there are so many different things! Hm, I think I would go with programming! I think it would be really neat to be able to make a phone app or something like that.

4. It’s time to play Family Feud! *insert Steve Harvey here* What household appliance could you not live without?!
LOL Family Feud is a hilarious show, I love it! I would go with a kettle, I need to boil water for my tea!

5. If you could choose, would you live in a flat in a prime location in the big city, or a small beach house in a remote location on the coast of the ocean?
I like being around people so I would probably go with a flat in a big city! Living by the ocean would be extremely beautiful but considering I’m not a beachy person, I would rather be in the city!

6. Think about your best friend. What’s the first word that comes to mind when you think about him/her?

7. What’s your biggest goal you hope to accomplish this year?
I hope to have done exceptionally well in terms of my academics! I’ve been focusing a lot more on my studies this year and I’m really hoping that it will pay off despite how hard it is!

My nominees:




My questions:

  1. What is your favorite ice cream flavour?
  2. What TV show(s) have you been completely obsessed with lately?
  3. How would you describe your style?
  4. What is a major pet peeve of yours?
  5. What is your biggest accomplishment?
  6. What do you like most about yourself, both physically and in terms of your personality/traits?
  7. What food can you not live without?

Thank you again for the nomination! To my nominees, I really look forward to reading your answers! =)