The Sunday Salon – April 20th Edition

By Whatsheread

Good morning! The coffee is brewing. Holly is making breakfast. Connor is sleeping. My parents are here relaxing. The dogs are cuddling. While the sun isn’t shining, it is supposed to be in the upper 70s today. I say that it’s a wonderful Sunday morning.

Notice anything different? I may have gone a little photo-editing happy this week. I’ve been toying with the idea of creating my own images for a while now. I wanted something that would reflect my own tastes and add a little something to the generic format. Here’s what I created.  What do you think?

The kids and I had a glorious week off. Sure, there was sibling fighting and some moments of frustration. Still, we slept. We read. We cooked. We shopped. We watched movies. We went for walks. We just enjoyed ourselves and the fact that we had nowhere to go and nothing pressing to do. I think we are all a little sad that it is coming to an end, but that’s what vacations do. Ah, well. Back to the grind tomorrow. I’ll think about that tomorrow.

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Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone! Have an even better week!