The Sparkling Heart Award

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers,
There are so many bloggers out there that don't receive the recognition they deserve. I am hoping by starting up this award those who have great blogs will get the recognition they deserve.
So by the title you may have guessed that I have named this award;
The Sparkling Heart Award

So the rules are to receive the award you must:
• link whoever awarded you the award and put the picture of the award in a post along with saying;
• what made you start a blog
• why you like having a blog
• how long you have had the blog
• a couple of sentences about you.
Then you need to nominate two bloggers who have 250 or less blog followers.
So me for example
1. (an example!)
2. I started a blog because I loved the topics I chose and loved reading blogs.
3. I love having a blog because you meet new people, get to share things I find, you guys help with any problems m having and I get to share my love of beauty, fashion and life in general with everyone.
4. Had the blog just less than a year.
5. I love having a good time, love pink and shimmery things, enjoy art, animal lover and a beauty fashion obsessed teen!!
6. The important part who I nominate...
So I nominate; (Laura)
I hope you accept the award by completing the tasks and passing on the award to other who you think are worthy of it :)
Laura xx