The Sorry Game

By Emilybeatrice @emilybeatrice

Ever the ‘Slummy Mummy’ I leave things to the last minute, I scoff at people who begin their Christmas shopping in July, and I fool myself that by waiting longer I can truly experience the magic of the festivities (by rushing around in a panic on Xmas eve….). Last year was the exception as December the 24th was my due date for baby Roo (but that’s another post entirely).

This lack of planning extends into all cerebrations (unless I’m baking a cake) and, on Valentine’s Day 2010 I messed up big time!! My husband (then boyfriend) spent days planning a treasure hunt around the house. He painstakingly crafted beautiful little notes with rhyming clues to the next, they not only joined up into a giant jigsaw puzzle of (positive) adjectives to describe me, but at the end of the journey was a beautiful engagement ring….. (cue romantic music).

I, on the other hand, left my planning to the last second leaving my poor other half with a crumpled card wrapped in the envelope of an old water bill…..oh dear!! ‘Go to jail, move directly to jail, do not pass go and do not collect £200!!!’ I was a terrible terrible girlfriend (with a shiny ring and a fiancé though).

Needless to say I had some making up to do and, for his Birthday, I plotted the ultimate in homemade gifts……

If you’re ever stuck for ideas or strapped of cash maybe you could give it a go also.

We are a board game family, That is to say, yes, we like nothing better than sitting on our bums for 4 hours asking trivia questions, taking over nations and using giant tweezers to get the funny bone out from a man with a flashing red nose…… In fact we like board games so much that,  rather than the usual duplicated crockery which most couples tackle when joining households, we had two of nearly every game.

It was the spare game of monopoly which sparked my creativities and I set about adapting it slightly. May I present to you


There are certain places which we will forever associate with our relationship and, from the first homes, without heating, scummy neighbours and peeling paintwork to the beautiful stately homes of Cornwall where we would walk around hand in hand (use as an excuse to stuff our greedy little faces with cream teas), it seemed important to include them all…… in value order obviously. I included our cars and even replaced community chest with ‘Scotty’s Wallet and Chance with chance ’Emily’s mood swings’. Inevitably however, in true ‘Slummy Mummy’ style there were few spelling mistakes oooops.

Why not have a go yourself? You can even leave the other properties visible so you can play It vanilla style if you wish…