The Single Word That Will Increase Productivity in 2013 Is….

Posted on the 06 January 2013 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl


It’s 10:45am CST, I’m about to start an 11:00am conference call and need to prepare but, RueLaLa, and just sent me a preview of their fabulous sale today.  Just one click and I’m off in DVF dresses and Minkoff bag land.  I click the “X” and focus back on preparation, start my call, and at 11:00am – BOOM!  Another email – the sale has begun!!

Ya feel me here?  Not only are these emails interrupting my productivity and getting me off-task, they are draining my pocket-book.  I made a decision – enough!

I did it.  I unsubscribed to every single online shopping site that emails me each day.  The reality is, I know where to find them.  If I really need a pair of boots, wallet, book, or really anything at all, I know which website to visit and there will likely be a sale of some kind.

This is my challenge to you:  Ask yourself how much time you are really spending online browsing or shopping?  Do you typically jump to that site as soon as you receive an email?  If you are getting lost in the luring sale emails and daily messages as much as we are, unsubscribe!  Try it for a month and see what happens.

Challenge B: If it’s just too tough to fully unsubscribe, create folders within your inbox called “Junk” or “Online shopping”.  Autodirect any emails containing certain words or from certain sites to these folders.  This way they do not appear in your inbox and you are not tempted to read them immediately.  You dedicate a half hour at the end of your day to look at them all at once.

Tell me- Does this post speak to you?  Do you feel tempted by daily subscription emails?

Tagged as: career advice, career women, debt, thoughts