The Saturday Six: Group Halloween Costumes

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Halloween will be here faster than you know it. When most of the staffers at Long Awkward Pause were kids, the vinyl costume ruled the streets. The one where the mask was plastic and went around your head with an elastic band and the costume itself, you stepped into like surgical scrubs that tied at the top.

Once either the elastic band or the costume’s ties broke, your whole costume was ruined, as well as your Halloween.

The only way to fix them was with duct tape…and then instead of Batman!…you were Ghetto Batman.

Nowadays people expect a little bit more creativity from your costume. It could be from the growing trend of adults taking over the holiday. Besides the ever popular adult costumes of slut Red Riding Hood, slut Bumble Bee, slut Cinderella, and slut Obama, people are always looking for the next grandiose thing.

The last couple of years have brought the group Halloween costume to the forefront of the festivities.

It’s not an easy task to accomplish. First, you have to find a group of your friends willing to participate. Then you all have to agree on a theme.

Lastly, they all have to show up.

This makes the group Halloween costume even more impressive than it already is…if you really think about it.


Happy Saturday!

1. Human Beer Pong

List of X: The woman on the left suddenly realized that her cup is filled with ice.

Omawarisan: I can’t think of anything. It’s just that I can’t get past how that works out at a urinal.

2. They Could Have Picked A Better Beer

List of X: By the look on their faces, it looks like these bottles are actually filled with vodka.

Omawarisan: This is something they’re proud of? I wore one of those hats to a Devo concert in ’82. It wasn’t a good idea then either.

3. These Are The People In Your Lego Neighborhood

List of X: I wonder what happens if these Lego people accidentally step on a Lego piece with a bare foot? Do they get stuck?

Omawarisan: Oh, snap. Is there a comma in oh snap?

4. Tetris Pieces Trying To Find A Parking Space


 List of X: I just want to put them all together in a row and make them disappear.

Omawarisan: No, no, no! One T upside down, the other right side up. They mesh perfectly. That blockhead in the middle has it all jacked up.

5. Soon That Baby Will Be No Smores

 List of X: Uh-oh, I think your marshmallow just melted.

Omawarisan: Oh yeah, good idea. Toddlers love having their ability to walk messed up. Maybe they could tie his shoelaces together too. That kid is in tears by the second house.

6. Excellent Screen Placement

 List of X: Ok, now THAT explains the line in front of the Apple store.

Omawarisan: If those skirts were any shorter you could see their usb connectors…if you know what I’m sayin’, and I think you do.




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