It’s nice to know that in-between the big stressful holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Arbor Day, and Thanksgiving…somewhere, someone is coming up with fun, easy, inexpensive holidays. One’s that Hallmark can’t get there greedy little hands on and make us buy cards for…cards that now cost anywhere up to $8 a card!
What’s up with that? I can make a card with a dirty limerick on it for a dollar.
A lighthouse keeper called Crighton
took to seeing a lady from Brighton,
but ships ran aground,
and sailors were drowned,
as she wouldn’t have sex with the light on
Well the fine folks at Dirty Bandits have put together some of these lessor known holidays, twelve to be exact, and put them in a handy calendar.
We have a few suggests to add to next year’s calendar:
1) Flash Your Neighbor Day2) International Pass The Buck Day3) Long Awkward Pause Day4) Be Nice To Nickelback Day5) Blend All Your Food Day6) Silly Robot Uprising Day7) Will Smith Appreciation Day8) National Comb Over Week9) Skip Instead Of Walk Day10) Make A Unicorn Out Of Butter Day Now on to the more semi-”real” holidays:1.)