OK I admit, I did pinch this from another blog but it seriously needed to be shared again.
I found this last week after browsing through twitter and happening across LoveMealie I've really enjoyed reading about her outlook on life & the importance of identity
So if you haven't checked her out yet, you really should do :)
Anyways, over this week I have been trying to live by these rules & so far I'm not doing too badly
- with the exception of the copious amount of bourbon biscuits I've devoured -
I've struggled a little with the big breakfast, as I'm not one for eating as soon as I get up. I'm definitely a coffee-to-go kinda girl & as much as I want to be hip and say I love green tea - I really can stand it.
Peppermint tea has been my substitute :)

I'll post again next week with an update about my progress & which rules have had a particular impact on my week.