The Result of a Stricter LCHF and Intermittent Fasting

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Are you eating LCHF but not getting all the results that you want? Eating stricter (fewer carbohydrates) is one method of getting better results. Adding intermittent fasting (like 16:8) is another one.

Here's what happened when Mattias used both methods simultaneously:

The Email

Hi Andreas,

I just want to thank you for your blog/website and all the motivation it provides.

I've eaten LCHF off and on the past few years but decided a year ago to eat a stricter LCHF diet. Besides the obvious that I have lost 7 ½ inches (19 cm) off my waist circumference and 24 lbs (11 kg), my digestion is a lot better and I feel more energized.

I'm far from done with my journey, but hope to continue to build muscle with my four workouts per week. (Yes, you can exercise at the gym while on LCHF for those who don't believe this).

Since a few months back I eat LCHF in combination with 16:8 which clearly has moved things in the right direction. I don't miss breakfast and never during this year have I felt that I've made a sacrifice.

Totally OK to post this if you feel that it could motivate others.

Again, thank you for a great website!



Congratulations on your successes, Mattias!

Try It Yourself

Do you want to try a low-carb diet yourself? Here's our guide:

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Below, find out what you can do if you want to try LCHF for yourself, as well as stories from others who have tried.