The Process Behind the Dietary Guidelines Is Broken, Says National Academies of Medicine

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

How is it possible that official dietary guidelines still promote an obsolete low-fat diet, despite the lack of scientific support? Here's one possible answer.

The process behind the dietary guidelines is faulty at its core and needs to change, says a new report by the National Academies of Medicine. The Nutrition Coalition completely agrees in a comment:

I sincerely hope that as a country this report will put us on a path towards science-based and effective guidelines that help, not hurt, our overall well-being.

I find my patients get healthier - lose weight and even reverse their diabetes - by doing what the current science says, which is the complete opposite of what the Guidelines tell them. It's obvious to me, as a practitioner, that these Guidelines do not reflect the best and most current science.
- Dr. Sarah Hallberg, executive director of the Nutrition Coalition