The Pre-Pre-Party . . .

By Vickilane

A morning jaunt to pick up a quilt to display on Sunday and a quick visit to the bypass to get those things I forgot on my big shopping trip  -- and I kept having to stop to take pictures.
Apple trees are in their glory -- we have a number of volunteers.

A wild dogwood at the foot of our driveway -- and our neighbor's barn across the way.

A lovely drift of (what I think is) wild phacelia along the roadside.

The peace of the river . . .

A sentinel crow . . . and a paddling fisherman.
(I'm writing this post Friday evening as I wait for the corn/chile/cheese casserole to cool. Dinner is down at Justin and Claui's and more and more friends and family are rolling in. ) 

Later -- dinner downstairs . . . 

That is someone else's beer -- NOT Claui's.