The Popular Art of Pressed Flowers – England

By Mushir @Nethaat

The Popular Art of Pressed Flowers – England Pressed flower art is an ancient method of designing garments and many other objects with dried parts of plants. The popularity of pressed flower art rose to its peak in the 19th century in England. These days, this art form is being pursued by many art enthusiasts, and different kinds of objects are being beautified with pressed flowers.

The Origin

The 19th century botany enthusiasts saw a need to preserve plant specimens and this led to the method of pressing flowers. Soon this was taken up by the women folk, as a hobby and the art grew in popularity. The Japanese art of Oshibana became known to the Europeans as well as to other foreigners after the trade routes were opened. This is how the artistic tradition of pressed flowers came into being in the European countries.

The Art

As the name