THE Play at the Plate.
By Kipper
Surprised there aren't any comments on the play from yesterday's game. I simply can't believe the runner was not called out. Ball was clearly, repeat clearly, in Sanchez's glove well before the runner got there. He had his foot blocking the plate. He showed the ball to the umpire, who by the way, was BEHIND the play. I don't know what else a catcher can do.
Keep in mind that the ump did not rule him safe because of the new rules regarding blocking the plate. According to Hurdle, the ump said he beat the throw. Unbelievable. So Hurdle doesn't challenge because on review the play would have been upheld, not due to the umps call, but because of the Posey rule. Say what? That's not what the challenge would be on because the Posey rule was not the reason for being safe. I would think the Cubs manager would then have to make his own challenge basing the non-call on the Posey rule.
Bottom line is they are totally f'ing up the game with all these rules and challenges. Let's just eliminate the umpires and have all calls, including strikes and balls made by some computer nerd sitting in New York.