The Plan For 2012

By Gjosefsberg @gjosefsberg

I talked a bit about 2011 in my last post.  This post is going to be devoted to 2012.

I will consider this a very successful year if by the end of the year I will have:

  • Gotten on a scale and seen numbers below 200lbs
  • Shopped for pants with a waist size of 32 or less
  • Run two marathons in under 5 hours
  • Performed at least 1 bench press set of 10 reps with 300lbs

Now how the heck am I going to accomplish this?

I’ve divided the year into 12, 1 month increments.  Well, technically the calendar already did that for me but I’ve used those existing month long increments to lay out my plan.  Each month I plan on introducing a new change or modification to my exercise and eating routine all the while keeping my end goals in mind.

For this first month (January), I plan on spending most of calibrating.  That means getting my basic eating and exercise routines in order (this will be a bit tricky since I’m switching jobs in a week which may throw my routine off a bit).


  • As mentioned multiple times before, I plan on following the 4 hour body plan


  • Gym – Five times a week.  Hour long workouts doing a mix of weights and elliptical.
  • Home – Short, intense workouts with the punching bag and dumbbells.  Five to ten minutes each, multiple times a day.
  • No running just yet.  That will come in later months as the marathon training kicks into gear

That’s about it.

What About You?

What are you hoping to accomplish in 2012?  Did you write it down?  Did you tell anyone about it?  Research shows you’re much more likely to accomplish a goal when you write it down and make it public.  It makes things harder to ignore.  Did you figure out what’s the first step to take towards this new goal?  How will you measure your success?

If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I love talking about this stuff