The Plain White Tee

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh

Jacket - ASOS (SALE!)Tee - Vera ModaDisco Pants - AABoots - PrimarkNecklace - Matalan
If you caught one of my earlier posts this week you would of seen this jacket before - Here is my new  purchase of the week. You can read that post HERE. I decided to hit my wardrobe hard with lots of monochrome, prints and slight dashes of color. I finally found what I prefer to wear and thats the direction I am taking my wardrobe - Knowing me though I will probably change my mind.  Hah! 
The outfit is pretty simple and I like that because the jacket print is quite full on. I added an injection of color within my makeup by wearing Viva Glam from Mac. Its a garish color but I believe it looks good when it's used subtly.  
This is what I wore for drinks around a friends house, watching Bridget Jone's Diary - I don't quite understand how I have never seen it before?! It's possibly made place in my list of favorite films, I heard they are making a third? 
I hope you are all enjoying following me on my journey to change my wardrobe and also my 'Weight Loss Wednesdays' If you are making changes within yourself this year let me know I am very intrigued Leigh xo