The Perfect Summer Tea | Teami Blends

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

Happy Monday!

I am beyond excited and thrilled to introduce you guys to one of my newest favorite summer teas, Teami Blends.

I first heard about Teami Blends through social media, as everybody was talking about their Skinny Tea, so I knew that I only had to try it out for myself, and to be totally honest, this girl needs that bikini body!

Their ‘Skinny Tea‘ combines a unique blend of all natural ingredients that cleanse your organs, boost your metabolism, suppress your appetite, reduce bloating ( THANK GOD ), and increase your alertness and activity, as well as aid in your digestion process.

This tea does not produce a laxative effect, so you can drink as many cups as you’d like!


Another one of their teas that i’ve tried, has been their “Colon Cleanse Tea“. With already having awful disgestive issues, I felt like this was going to be the perfect tea for me!

Their Colon Cleanse Tea is used to purify the body from the inside out, cleansing the organs while clearing the digestive tract of any toxins caused primarily by pollution, harsh chemicals and processed foods.

Teami Blends Colon Cleanse Tea also strengthens your immune system, boosts your metabolism and helps you reach your health/weight loss goals, as well as improving the quality of your seep and digestion.

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TEAMI COLON CLEANSE TEA ( I added the Teami Colon Cleanse Tea into my mint/cucumber water, and it was delicious! ) I would also highly recommend one of their “Tea Infusers”, which is used to brew any of the Teami Blends. I tried it out, and believe me, it works wonders! CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TEAMI BLENDS FOLLOW TEAMI BLENDS ON TWITTER LIKE TEAMI BLENDS ON FACEBOOK