I’ve been there, and i’m sure you have at one point or another as well, and it’s not the best feeling in the world.
So here are some of my reasons on how to really and truly make a “group of 3″ work, without having one person feeling left out.
1. Don’t Be The Quiet One That Sits In The Backseat
Engage in conversation with both of your friends. Don’t just sit back, relax and let them do all of the talking among themselves. Talk about things that you all enjoy as a group, that you can all voice your opinions on.
2. Plan Trips Together To Get To Know One Another Better
As weird as this may sound, and although you may think that “planning a trip” together is going to make you feel left out, it’s not. It’s going to allow you all to get to know one another better, and build a stronger bond between each other.
3. Do Activities That You All Enjoy Together
Whether it would be going to see a movie that you all would want to see, or maybe a favorite concert that you all would like to go and see, plan activities that you all enjoy doing together.
4. Always Say Kind Things About Each Other
When one friend leaves, and it’s just the two of you, always say kind words about the other person. The worst thing that you can do to really break up a “group of 3″, is to talk about that person as their walking away, that really hurts.
5. You Feel That You Want To Hangout Together
Even though one person may feel left out, or you may feel left out, if you feel like you ‘click’ well together, and it feels right, try to plan as many activities together as possible.