“The Most Remarkable Thing Is That You Lose Weight While Eating Butter”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Over people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You'll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips - everything you need to succeed on low carb.

Here are new amazing stories from the people who've taken the challenge:

I truly enjoyed the low-carb challenge. The recipes are great. The food is fantastic. I will keep going now that I have the knowledge.


After the first week, my granddaughter decided to join me! I am a veteran of countless weight-loss attempts, ranging from acupuncture in my ear through Weight Watchers and similar. This is the only diet that I have actually enjoyed and am motivated to continue.

I have never been hungry, I am sleeping better and I will continue this journey until I get down to my ancient "normal" weight

I have lost 13 lbs (6 kg) since I started just over two weeks ago. I have never been hungry, I am sleeping better and I will continue this journey until I get down to my ancient "normal" weight - so approximately 56 lbs (25 kg) to go. My weight-loss problems started after I had a hysterectomy in 1983, having been effortlessly slim previously, the weight started piling on and every attempt to get it off resulted, ultimately, in more weight piling on.

So, a heartfelt thank you. Sadly, I have become addicted to "crack slaw" but a small price to pay.

Thank you, here's to better health,

I have found the LCHF way of eating very easy. Am considering joining free for the next month as I want to explore the vegetarian options. I would recommend this lifestyle change to everyone but people are so brainwashed into thinking fat will cause a heart attack!! If only they took the time to read all the information given and get the facts, they could make their own decision about it.

This is the happiest I've ever been with regard to my battle with eating too much. I had already come to the conclusion that too many carbs made me feel lethargic and the more I ate them, the more I wanted. A chance conversation with a friend I hadn't seen in years led me to the LCHF way of eating... It has absolutely changed my life for the better.


I was Very happy with this diet. It was so easy to follow with menu plans set out - yet when I could not find ingredients I simply repeated one of the previous menus. I lost 10 pounds (5 kg) in the first two weeks.

I appreciated the flexibility within the diet - eat only if I was hungry and/or fast if desired.

I appreciated the flexibility within the diet - eat only if I was hungry and/or fast if desired.

All the recipes called for real, everyday ingredients. There were no "premade" meals or anything with artificial ingredients.

Thank you,

I would like to say that this has been a very exciting experience. I have started week 3 and enjoying the very easy and non-expensive menus. It's not often you find a diet that doesn't ask for the best cuts of meats or ridiculously priced ingredients.

When I started this journey, it was my chiropractor who suggested this to me as I am getting older in life lol (I'm under 50) and I suffer with a lot more joint pain and discomfort. I haven't really noticed a difference yet, but I love coming home to prepare my dinner and my lunch for the next day.

Although I found weeks 1 & 2 quite easy besides the odd headache and brain farts, it is now I feel I am struggling! My brain says I want/need sugar but I am resisting the impulses at the moment, so I am not quite sure what to do now? I love all things sweet, chocolate, jelly-style sweets, ice cream, my skinny cappuccinos and of course cake! My morning tea now consists of a long black coffee with cream instead of being made with skinny milk.

I don't snack in between meals and if I do, it's left overs from lunch or dinner i.e. guacamole or homemade mayo with celery, or just two pieces of cheddar cheese. Weight loss hasn't been great and neither the centimetres, if anything I'm down 2 kg (4 lbs). I still have a hard time with cooking in butter, oil, cream and adding full cream cheese to meals as this is deemed taboo with other so-called diets!

If I can just get over wanting sugary carbs I should be right! I DO MISS MY FRUIT though.

Not ever on WW did I loose 8 lbs (4 kg) in two weeks, and inches off my waist!! Hubs and I are both doing it, with results!! Thanks for something that makes good sense. I grew up eating more fat and veggies than carbs and maintained my weight until marriage (at 21) when we could barely afford stuff... So we ate a lot of carbs and the weight has been a problem ever since. Now we are over 50 and struggling to get it off.

Switching to dairy free for a week to see if I do better, because occasionally lactose is a problem for me. But I am surprised at the lack of gas and stomach issues so far! I was on two different GERD meds a day, and honestly have been able to reduce to one in the morning... Going to try without it at the end of this week.


Not only have I not been hungry, I feel great. I am lucky that my husband will eat anything so meals are easy to plan and delicious.

I know like many others I have struggled with my weight most of my life. It has not been extreme enough to cause medical issues so it just never made the top of my priority list. I have had success on other diets but they required a lot of work. I work full time and have a son. Not a lot of time to plan meals. My sister mentioned a woman at work who was doing this keto diet. Being a physical therapist, I immediately looked up the site and the background and thought OK I can do this. I am 3 weeks in and have lost 8 pounds (4 kg). I was so worried about being hungry I bought extra vegetables to fill the void. Boy was I wrong! Not only have I not been hungry, I feel great. I am lucky that my husband will eat anything, so meals are easy to plan and delicious.

Top 3 reasons this is working for me:

  • Easy meal planning and preparation.
  • Not feeling guilty about not eating breakfast!
  • Being able to continue living my life without worrying about how much I can eat wherever I am!😊

Thank you for a wonderful program and lots of info to keep me motivated.

P.S. Several of my family members are trying the plan as well and seeing great results.

I made the two weeks and I plan on continuing a low-carb lifestyle. I admit, I was frustrated at first. I've done low carb many times in the past when I felt my weight was a bit too high and the weight came off quickly. Now that I'm a little older it's a bit slower. I wanted to quit the challenge the first week because nothing came off! But I didn't and I'm glad. I lost only 3 pounds (1+ kg) but I feel so much better! Also, the recipes are really good and easy to make. No strange ingredients that I have to search for all over town!

Thank you!

I have been keto since January 2016. I've been playing with the same 5 lbs (2 kg) since November. I decided to try your challenge. After 2 weeks I'm down 1.5 lbs - 1 kg (still within that 5 lbs - 2 kg loop). I did sign up for a membership and am going to try the dairy-free plan. I'm really hoping that might get things moving again. I'm 30 lbs (14 kg) from goal.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

The transition wasn't easy. The food, however, was delicious.

I actually really liked the low-carb challenge. I found it difficult to make all of the meals, however, as I am cooking for a family that does not like 'different' and were not all eating low carb. The transition wasn't easy. The food, however, was delicious.


My name is Marge and I am 75 years old, healthy and active. However in Oct. 2015 and Feb. 2016, I had two knee replacements and during that time and the three months following, I gained 20 pounds (9 kg), bringing me up to 201 pounds (91 kg). I had been trying to lose weight ever since before the operations with no success at all!

A little over three weeks ago, I went for a checkup and found out I had diabetes and am on Metformin. No way I want to be diabetic! So that night I spent hours on the internet researching how to revert diabetes. And by the next day I was convinced that your program was the best alternative.

I went shopping and started eating LCHF the next day. After a few days, I signed up for the two-week challenge.


  1. I am never hungry! I should mention that I love to eat! I was a late-night snacker, eating anything I could find from 7-10 pm. I especially liked ice cream with chocolate and caramel sauces on top, candy - especially chocolates, nuts, bread and butter, crackers, cookies, etc. These things are still in the house, for the kids and rest of the family, but I no longer have any inclination to eat them. I am more than satisfied eating the delicious recipes on your site!!
  2. I have eggs every morning, prepared in different ways, most often as an omelet with veggies.
  3. As I have breakfast around 8:30 or 9:00, I am not at all hungry at noon, so I usually don't eat again until dinner around 6:00 (intermittent fasting 😁 ). Rarely, I might have some cheese w/ olives around 2:00.
  4. I feel so much better and have more energy. The fatigue I used to feel is completely gone.

And best of all, in three weeks I have lost 11 pounds (5 kg)!!!

I just signed up yesterday for the one-month free trial. Mostly for the videos and recipes. I really don't follow the meal plans and shopping lists. Since I live in Honduras, there are lots of things that are not available, so I pick recipes made with ingredients that I can get. As you can see, it's working for me!!

I go back for blood work in two months, and I'm really hoping my sugar and A1c will be a lot better. As I continue to lose weight (which I hope I will), I hope to get off both the diabetes and blood pressure medication.

Thank you all for educating us on the healthiest way to eat, and for making available your site to make it easy to follow the LCHF way! Blessings on all of you at Diet Doctor!


The meals are delicious, you are never hungry and the most remarkable thing is that you lose weight while eating butter, cream etc...

I think the challenge was amazing. The meals are delicious, you are never hungry and the most remarkable thing is that you lose weight while eating butter, cream etc...

I don't have a cholesterol problem so eating healthy fats isn't an issue, although my doctor showed concern that the amount of fat would elevate my cholesterol. In short... It hasn't... He thought I had diabetes... I don't.

Added bonus... Losing 6 kilos (13 lbs). I still miss a slice of toast but don't miss rice, pasta or potatoes but generally, the LCHF is awesome. I will continue to eat low carb in the future. Thank you, Diet Doctor.
