The Many Uses Of Coconut Oil.

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl

Last year I discovered the many uses of Coconut oil, not only is it great for cooking (it makes pancakes even more tasty) it has so many beauty benefits too. I thought I would share with you some of the ways I use coconut oil.
Cuticles - I love massaging this into my cuticles, especially after having taken off a gel manicure and my nails are feeling dry. I find this a lot lighter than almond oil but just as nourishing.
Dry Skin - This is great for dry elbows, knees and general dry patches that just won't go away. Rubbing this on every night helps to hydrate the skin and those dry patches disappear quickly.
Hair - This is great just on the ends of the hair when wet or dry to nourish split ends and keep frizz at bay. It's also brilliant at being used as a hair mask. I apply it all over the hair and leave on overnight, in the morning I wash my hair like normal and its so soft and smooth.
Face - The main way I have used this on my face is as a cleanser, it does a brilliant job at removing make up as its an oil. It is very gentle and light on the skin. I know some people who use it as a moisturiser overnight too but I haven't tried that.
Lips - It can be used as a lip balm on dried chapped lips but I also have made a lip scrub (it can also be used as a body scrub) using this and sugar before. I have post here on it.
Do you use coconut oil as a beauty product? Is there any other ways I can use it?