I know it's been a while but I finally got around to putting this massive review together! It's definitely my biggest to date & I had such an amazing time at The Makeup Show in LA that I ended up making not 1 but 3 videos to cover it all, hence "The Makeup Show Trilogy"...Look out Steven Spielberg...LOL! Sike! But I had to make 3 because as you can see it was too much for 1 video ;-)
The first goes over the extremely generous goody bag I got from a blogger preview before the show. 22 brands gave products so it was a hefty bag of really great products, most of which ended up in my kit.
The second is just more makeup and a few reviews on some new items that I picked up like the Paw Palette! If you are a Pro Makeup Artist, you must get one! I open the video with my review on it so be sure to check it out :-) Also, reviews on products from brands like:
*Paw Palette
*Senna Cosmetics
*Lime Crime
*Saucebox Cosmetics
*Parian Spirit
*Make Up For Ever
*Skyn Demure
The third video focused on my experience while at the show. I saw some brilliant body art, met some of my greatest Makeup Artist heroes (new & old) and goes into why this is my favorite PRO event of the year.
To make this amazing experience even better, I had entered a photo challenge on Instagram hosted by The Makeup Show the month before. I had to take a picture a day of whatever they asked which was a challenge for me because I usually have so much going on that I can't commit to something like that. However, I entered and stuck with it only to win 1st prize! So I must say it was worth it! Lol! I won a Makeup Show canvas bag (which I've been using to carry extra hair tools & products that don't fit in my kit) and a Limited Edition brush set with engraved signatures of renowned Makeup Artists: James Vincent, Jon Hennessey, Orlando Santiago, Esterique Aidan & Danessa Myricks. The concept behind this custom set of brushes is to share some of these artists' favorite tools.
This wraps it up but I will be back with more from the New York show in a few weeks!
Keep it Prettie! *Stephanie*