With that said, you still have a week to enter the #fitnesspenpals card exchange I am hosting. You can read more HERE but in a nutshell, you will be matched up with a partner and will send them 2 cards a month to keep them motivated in their training and spread holiday cheer! Easy peasy and it allows us to get some fun mail every now and then and I don't know about you but at the end of the year I could use any extra motivation I can get!
And guess what?! It is just 5 days and 21 hours until the Maui Marathon. Of course, those hours will keep counting down and so will the days. The good news is today I woke up and am finally feeling the tinglings of excitement. Imagine how those intensified when I read all the awesome words of support and encouragement on this post. Thank you so very much. Virtual hugs to all!
I did try to rest some extra this weekend. Well, as much as I can when I am a Mom of a busy kindergartener. We did cut back our errand/running around time and spent some time crafting our little hearts out. Oh, and baking cookies, marinating chicken, and creating new enchilada recipes. We had a blast! In the middle of all that fun there was doing laundry and other necessities. I think it was during that phase that darling daughter asked if she could take pictures. I said sure, she run inside and grabbed my phone, and started clicking away. I gave her no structure, no guidance, no words of advice, no nothing. When I looked at the photos she took later my heart melted with pride. That girl has some talent! I could tell she really did put thought into what she was doing and did some creative set up's. Her is a collage of just some of her gems.
Have a great week! I will be in meetings most of the week and trying not to drive my co-workers or family crazy with my taper craziness!
Is it time to run yet?
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for you.
Daily Affirmation: I am going to kick butt Sunday! Did I say that already? Oh well, I am!