The Legal Schnauzer Family, Including "Gabby the Investigative Tabby," Wishes Happy Thanksgiving to Our Readers -- in Alabama, Missouri, and Beyond

Posted on the 23 November 2021 by Rogershuler @RogerShuler

Gabby, the Investigative Tabby
(Photo by Carol Tovich Shuler)

Legal Schnauzer is taking a holiday break this week -- and we want to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers a Happy Thanksgiving. On a side note, my birthday happens to fall on Thanksgiving (11/25) this year, as it has done periodically throughout my time on this earth, so that's another reason for Mrs. Schnauzer, "Gabby the Investigative Tabby," and I to take a little extra time to count our blessings -- even as our country seems to be breaking apart at its core.

Speaking of Gabby, the kitten who went "from feral to family" with us, he's now about 5 years old. And as you can tell from the photos above and below, he has grown to become quite the strapping, handsome feller. We like to say that he has borrowed a philosophy from football great Joe Namath: "I can't wait until tomorrow 'cause I get better looking every day."

The Eagles recorded a song called "Center of the Universe" (from 2007.'s Long Road Out of Eden LP), and those words pretty much describe how we feel about Gabby and the holy, mysterious forces that brought him our way.  Cats have a reputation for being standoffish, but that doesn't pertain to our little guy. He inserts himself into the middle of most every day, and we wouldn't want it any other way.

A huge blessing in our household is that we have each other -- and our collective health remains pretty good, even though unpleasant events have visited our doorstep a number of times in recent years. We also have, of course, our readers -- and without you, this blog would be little more than a tiny voice in a vast wilderness. Our blog stats show that you arrive from coast to coast -- and in quite a few instances, from around the globe. A number of you have reached out and touched our lives in extraordinary ways. For all of you, we are deeply grateful and hope you will continue to make Legal Schnauzer a part of your lives. May justice reign in the days ahead!

We will return to publishing the week of 11/29-12/3.

The Legal Schnauzer family

                                        Gabby, the Investigative Tabby . . . in repose between
                                                            reporting assignments.
                                                    (Photo by Carol Tovich Shuler)