The Keto Diet: “I Have More Energy and Just Feel Better”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Over people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You'll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips - everything you need to succeed on a keto diet.

Here are new fantastic stories from the people who've taken the challenge:

Thank you so much for checking in regarding my experience with the 2-week challenge!

It was a very positive experience for me and very easy to follow. Your mission to make LCHF simple and easy was a success. The food was delicious and super simple and quick to prepare. Having food for lunch the next day was a great bonus. The daily emails with everything laid out were appreciated and the shopping lists too!

I am enjoying the content on your website, finding it extremely informative and supportive. Best of all I feel terrific. I lost 6 lbs (3 kg) during the challenge and plan on continuing.

Many thanks,

Loved the two-week challenge. Was easier than I thought it would be.

Loved the two-week challenge. Was easier than I thought it would be. I am a 48-year old woman and I lost 9 pounds (4 kg). Lost 8 lbs (4 kg) in the first week and 1 (0.5 kg) in the second. Have signed up to continue with the meal plans. Will miss the day emails.


We enjoyed the two weeks and have went on to the next step. My wife and I are in our 50's and we live in Missouri. I've lost about 13 pounds (6 kg). My wife has lost about 8 lbs (4 kg). So we think the meals are very tasty and enjoyable. We are not left hungry. From everything I've read, we seem to be in ketosis.

Thanks for the help,

I am a 49 year old female from Denver Colorado and I really liked the challenge. I lost about 9 lbs (4 kg). I was 136 lbs (62 kg) and am now 128 lbs (58 kg). I want to lose maybe 5-8 lbs (2-4 kg) more so I want to keep going. I thought your site was very helpful to plan meals and give substitute choices for the meals I didn't like or knew my kids wouldn't eat. It has been fun learning how to make new things.

It was super helpful to have a plan for the week.

Unfortunately, I cannot afford to sign up for your subscription although I think it would be very helpful. I can already tell I am kind of floundering without the specifics of a menu and shopping list. It was super helpful to have a plan for the week. Your shopping list was very organized which was helpful to get in and out at the grocery store.

I'm super thankful that you are here to walk this journey with us. Thank you for this service!!!


I'm 40 years old and have 3 little boys, 4 years and 2 year old twins. I also work full time so eating healthy and working out is one of those things I've been able to pretty easily say I'll do when I have "more time".

But, I didn't lose as much weight as I wanted to after the twins were born, and now that they're 2 I can't just say it's baby weight! I also found myself feeling tired and run down a lot - not totally surprising with 3 little energizer bunnies running around.

I decided to try the 2-week challenge. For the most part I prepared meals the day before so when we got home from work dinner could be ready in minutes. I found the recipes all relatively easy to prepare.

While the kids (and husband!) wouldn't eat all of the meals, there were several that were hits. The first week I lost 7 pounds (3 kg) and 2 inches (5 cm) off my waist! The second week weight loss slowed down but I lost another 2 pounds (1 kg) and another inch (3 cm) off my waist.

Even better is I feel really good. The kids still make me tired, but I have more energy and just feel better. I'm planning on continuing on the low-carb, high-protein and fat diet and see how things go!


I'm amazed at how easy this has been.

I'm amazed at how easy this has been. I am definitely a sugar addict and I hate to prepare meals, so it was easy to skip lunch and have a soda and candy bar, or hit McDonald's. But these meals are so satisfying that I don't feel hungry in between meals, and since lunch was already made the night before it's easy to make the right choice.

It feels totally wrong to eat this much butter, mayo and fat after decades of low-fat diets etc. so I was petrified to step on the scale after week 1. On day 8 I finally did it and couldn't believe I'd lost 6 pounds (3 kg)!!

I had 2 days of "keto flu" the first week, but I didn't constantly feel cranky and deprived like I have on other diets, which is why they never lasted. This doesn't feel like a diet, it's a change in lifestyle and learning. I know I still have to work on unlearning all the nutritional "advice" from years before so I won't feel guilty when I use salad dressing, butter etc. the way you suggest, but I can live with that!! Thank you so much for making this information available!!


My name is Ceri and I'm 46 years old and I live in West Wales in the UK. I loved the low-carb challenge, some of the meals weren't my taste so I just looked up alternatives you gave. Really filling nutritious menu choices and the shopping list saves so much time. I've now taken the full membership and have really enjoyed the courses that you give.

Thanks again guys for your continued support.