The Importance of Vitamins and Nutrients for Your Appearance

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Sometimes we might want to spend so much time looking for superficial fixes to improve our skin, hair or overall appearance. However, a lot of what we look like ultimately stems from the foods we eat, and the nutrients we consume. Our outer appearances are based so much on what's happening internally.

The following are some specific vitamins and nutrients that are especially important for things like glowing skin and preventing premature aging or reversing the damage.

Vitamin A

According to a blogger from health site Nifty Benefits, " if you are vitamin A deficient, your skin will show it." Vitamin A plays an essential role in the production of collagen, and it's an antioxidant that works to fight free radicals. As an antioxidant, vitamin A can help prevent signs of aging including wrinkles and fine lines.

A vitamin A deficiency may also cause the skin to appear rough, bumpy and generally irritated.

Vitamin A is naturally derived from dietary sources like beef and eggs, but it's also used topically in different skin creams.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of those vitamins that play a role in just about every important function of the body. Vitamin C is good for helping your immune system stay strong and helping you fend off illnesses. At the same time, it also aids in the production of collagen, which is what keeps our skin looking firm and tight.

Vitamin C protects against free radical damage as well.

Food sources like bell peppers, citrus fruits and strawberries have vitamin C and applied topically in the form of skin care it can help reverse skin issues like hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D comes from the skin's exposure to sunlight, and it's not naturally found in many foods naturally. The few sources of natural vitamin D are found in things like fish, eggs, and mushrooms.

Getting around five minutes of sun exposure a few times a week can help you get more vitamin D, and that can then improve certain skin issues like acne.

It's important not to get too much sun in a quest to get vitamin D, however, because that can have the opposite effect and damage skin and cause issues like dark spots.


B-vitamins are important for health, wellness beauty and just about everything. Bi-vitamins can help promote hair growth, for example. In particular, the b-vitamin biotins plays an essential role in healthy hair growth. B-vitamins can also help with healthier skin, improved energy levels and they're just overall important to have especially because many B-vitamins create red blood cells.

B-vitamins naturally occur in foods like almonds, meat, fish, and leafy, dark greens.

Vitamin E

Finally, vitamin E is an antioxidant and it can protect the skin against damage from the sun. Vitamin E can also reduce skin inflammation, and if can help the body produce a balanced amount of something called sebum. Sebum helps prevent skin dryness and ensure skin stays smooth and moist.

Vitamin E comes from certain nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts, and it can be used as a supplement as well.
