The Hottie and The Nottie: July 2012

By Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
Wow, this is a feature that I haven't done in a really long time. Nevertheless, with the end of the month, I figured that now is a really good time to get back into doing it :)


Mood Boards. 

I actually created this sort-of Mood Board, on my Office Wall about a month ago, because I really wanted to throw out old copies of magazines, but I still wanted to hang on to some of the inspiring articles or images.
I wanted to create a board, or area of my wall, that inspired me to be productive and get typing during my working day. I have all sorts up there, including motivational articles, inspiring quotes, interesting articles and when I was piecing it together I seemed to be drawn to beautiful eye makeup - I'm thinking that this has been inspired by my recent use of websites such as Pinterest, but I really have started to notice the eye makeup used in advertising recently.

Upcoming NaNoWriMo.

I actually attempted to do Camp NaNoWriMo back in June, but being on holiday for over a week near the beginning of the month really slowed down production, and then half way through I had a complete change of direction around one of my main characters (I decided that he was basically a boring fart!), which chopped up my story a great deal, and the word count dwindled so much I decided that it was for the best to put the novel to rest for the time being.

Nevertheless, I most certainly wasn't disheartened because I know that I did the right thing, for me at that time. And fortunately there will be another opportunity to whoop my own NaNoWriMoing Ass through August so yippee!
If anyone wants to follow my progress on this one, I'll be blogging (probably) about it over on my Writing Blog.

Glittery Nail Polish.

Not going to lie. Glitter has never been a favorite of mine: even as a teenager I wasn't keen on glittery eyeshadow or cheeks. Don't ask me why, I just wasn't a fan. But since recently buying a couple of glittery top coats, I think I have found love:

I think that glittery top coats just revitalise other shades by brightening them up, or making them look different overall. Over the weekend I discovered that it doesn't look so great with all shades, but I'm a long way from getting bored of the glitter just yet. However, I will just point out that this new-found love of glitter probably won't be spreading out to anywhere else in my makeup!!!


Weather that can't decide.

One minute we're being slapped with a Hosepipe Ban following two dry winters, then as soon as that comes into force we're facing the wettest Spring/Early Summer for years with crazy flooding and leaky roofing. And then it's boiling headache-enducingly hot. And now it's rainy season again.

Source: via Eva on Pinterest
The funny thing is that I actually love the rain. My problem with it is that it can't seem to make up its mind. But then, that's British weather through and through isn't it? It's as erratic as goodness knows what, and we'd only moan if it were any different ;)

Yellow Nail Polish.

One Christmas, when I was in Secondary School, my friends and I all bought each other Constance Carroll Nail Polishes, in the brightest colours possible. So, we each ended up with five bright polishes and yet the only one that I ever remember is the yellow one. I loved that nail polish, because it was so bright and cheerful. Move ahead about thirteen years and yellow is not my friend. Yellow Nail Polish is in Arch Nemesis!!
Source: via Licia on Pinterest
The truth is, I've come to discover that yellow nail polish really does not suit me. It doesn't matter if it is a pale or a vivid yellow, and it doesn't even matter what brand I wear. It doesn't matter if I mattify it or glitter it up. Yellow just does not suit me in the slightest. 
I can't help feel saddened, and I shall mourn the three yellow and lemon-shades that I own *sob*

What have you been loving and hating this month? :)