Where are they?
Where are all of these “trafficked sex slaves”? And where are the “pimps”? Show me some of them, please.
See, I can show you thousands of Twitter accounts, blogs and essays from sex workers; I can provide photos of absolutely enormous crowds of sex workers protesting against criminalization of our work, especially in the countries prohibitionists claim to be “hotbeds” of “sex trafficking”. I even know ladies who’ve worked under really shitty conditions, exploited and coerced by husbands or boyfriends…and they all support decriminalization. But all the prohibitionists can produce are a handful of show ponies like Rachel Moran and Theresa Flores, whom they parade around endlessly to recite their lurid tales of rape and beatings in front of crowds of gawking yahoos who then go home to masturbate. Almost none of these so-called “survivors” can produce an arrest record, the name of a “pimp”, an old ad under which they were supposedly “sold for sex”, or any corroborating evidence whatsoever; what’s more, their tragedy porn always takes place conveniently years or decades in the past, long enough for the evidentiary trail to have been washed away by their bucketfuls of crocodile tears. And you know why? Because these supposedly “trafficked” hordes are nothing but the products of fevered religious imaginations, phantasms that not only never existed but never could exist because they break every known law and fact of physics, biology, psychology, sexuality, sociology, statistics, history and common sense. They are nothing but angels dancing on the head of a pin, nonexistent entities whose existence is propounded by evil and sociopathic “leaders” as an excuse for tyranny and a distraction from their complete inability to actually solve even the simplest problems of the real world the rest of us are forced to inhabit.