The Hair Chalking Temporary Color Craze + How to Use It on Natural Hair

By Rockitnapptural @Rockitnapptural

Hair chalking seems to be all the buzz this year. I love experimenting with different hair colors, and what's cool about hair chalking is that you get to try out different colors without the commitment or the potential damage that you might experience from chemical hair coloring. It's extremely easy to do on your own and you don't need to spend an arm and a leg on professional services to get your new color highlights.

What is Hair Chalking Exactly?

Hair chalking is when you use either a specific brand of "hair chalk" or an oil-free artist's chalk to add temporary color to your hair. Some people have used regular sidewalk chalk on their hair but I'm not sure I would try that method. It sounds wild, but it can actually be a lot of fun to experiment with hair color. It doesn't matter what type of hair texture or color you currently have, hair chalk is usually very pigmented and deposits a nice amount of color when used correctly.

How does Hair Chalking Work?

For lighter hair colors, the chalk can be applied directly to the hair after your styling products. If you apply the color prior to your styling products, the color will come out all over your hands and may not show as prominently.

For darker hair colors, dampening the hair with water or a moisturizing hair mist prior to adding the chalk will help the color to appear more vibrant. Especially when using lighter chalk on darker or black hair. You can also soak the chalk itself but be sure to use gloves so that the color doesn't bleed all over your hands.

Grab the hair in a twist and apply the chalk in a downward motion. For a more uniformed look, you can apply the color to the hair without twisting. Just grab a few strands and apply in a downward motion. Use a cotton cotton round to apply liquid chalk. You definitely want to wear gloves when applying liquid chalk because it can get pretty messy. Now, all you have to do is allow the color to dry and viola! You've got a new, fun color that you can change or remove whenever you want.

Set the color by allowing it to air dry or you can use a blow-dryer on a low setting. When you're ready to remove the color, simply wash it out and that's that.

Are there DIY Hair Chalking Options?

Of course! Although you can use artists' chalk as a DIY method to temporarily color the hair, some naturals have even used eye-shadow and blush as an alternative. The key is to wet the shadow or blush prior to application so that the colors will show up vividly. It's easy, quick to apply and inexpensive to try.

The Best Hair Chalk Brands by Kat Blaque

Natural Hair | My First Hair Chalking Tutorial by TashNaturally/NaturallyTash

L'OREAL Liquid Chalk and Perm Rod Set by ToNaturAli


Some people use eye-shadow to as a DIY hair chalking alternative. Blush is said to work much better but either can be used. Check out these DIY hair chalking methods and don't be afraid to try it for yourself.

Hair Chalking Natural Hair by Gloria Ann

Have you tried hair chalking? What are your favorite hair chalk brands to use? 
Leave your suggestions in the comments below. Have you tried DIY chalking?