The Foreword to My Book Written By Emily Bennington!

Posted on the 17 February 2014 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

As you know, my book launched last week! The latest update is that we hit #38 in the Women & Business category on Amazon! Woohoo!

Last chance! Make sure you take advantage of over $250 bonuses available to you if you purchase my book on Amazon only through TODAY!!  Click here to buy my book on Amazon and then fill out this survey to get your bonuses which include a book club kit, a live virtual book party with me, the sixth chapter that didn’t fit in the final book and 3 interviews with career and leadership experts!

Today I wanted to share with you the amazing foreword to the book written by Emily Bennington.  You can find out more about Emily and her mindful leadership programs at  Thanks again Emily for inspiring me and for writing this excellent introduction to my book!

The other day I found myself listening to an interview with Sheryl Sandberg regarding her book, Lean In. She said as recently as two years ago, that often-asked question of “what it’s like to be a woman leader” made her bristle. And so she gave the standard answer. You know the one:

“I’m not a woman leader. I’m a leader.”

Fortunately for us, Sheryl has changed her tune and, in the process, cracked open the door to finally have some dialog about gender differences at work. Because the truth is what you’re about to read has been needed for a long time. Seriously! As much as everyone loves to neuter the workforce, women and men aren’t the same. And thank God.

History (and countless studies) proves that diverse teams make better decisions, but the fact that women have had to work so hard to get a seat at the table has made gender at work a particularly touchy subject. So there it was…Thorny…Debated in periphery, and yet never fully addressed.

There’s no question we have all reaped the benefits of three waves of pioneering  stereos, but while it’s always important to remember the past, it’s also important to  look to the future.

In other words, now that we’ve made it this far, how do we embody our full potential?  So let’s be honest. If you want to lead big, you have to know how to lead men—and  that ain’t easy.

The good thing is you found this book. Because in these pages you will learn how to earn respect by focusing on what matters, leveraging your strengths, and being professional without being a robot in heels. You also have the benefit of a guide as sharp as Anna. Indeed, as we watch the number of women leaders slowly but steadily rise and stand on remarkable platforms of accomplishment in business, we owe a collective hat tip to women like her and books like this.

I hope you soak in every page.

To your success!

Emily Bennington

Founder of Awake Exec™ Conscious Career Design

Author of Who Says It’s a Man’s World: The Girls’ Guide to Corporate Domination

Last chance! Make sure you take advantage of over $250 bonuses available to you if you purchase my book on Amazon only through TODAY!!  Click here to buy my book on Amazon and then fill out this survey to get your bonuses which include a book club kit, a live virtual book party with me, the sixth chapter that didn’t fit in the final book and 3 interviews with career and leadership experts!